From A Cage Of A Tiger....

From a cage of a tiger...
Scottish tiger I think...
Who stays in Malaysia...
A tiger who don't know...
What is the meaning of respect...

From a cage of a tiger...
We know how bad each other can be...
We know how we will act in a depressed condition
We know how a tiger can be so rude to its lion...
We know how the tiger makes the thing become worse

From a cage of a tiger...
Now the tiger becomes so tame...
Tamest in the history of a tiger ever...
Because of the lion who always visits the tiger....
Although it will bring anger after....

From a cage of a tiger...
Now the tiger fall in love with the lion...
Not now actually, but as a fact before the tiger moved to the Zoo...
When the first time, the tiger knew what is a lion....
When the first time, the tiger knew about A,B and C....

Maybe this is why Allah created us for...
Created this best ever cage....
Also created this best ever zoo....
Best ever tiger and lion ever been...
Thanks Allah, you light up our life...


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