Global Leadership Outreach 2011

For the first time in the Queen Elizabeth's country, we joined a leadership course in the Malaysia Hall which have been organized by AKEPT. The course was conducted only for two days from 19 to 20 November 2011. It is a great opportunity when we met a lot of student leaders who study abroad who have the potential and credibility at the same time knowledge to be in the front line leaders in the future. 
Train to King Cross Station, London From Middlesbrough at 9am 

Transit at Eaglescliffe Train Station 

The first destination when we arrived at this station was Harry's 9 3/4 Platform

After had a lunch at Malaysia Hall's Cafe, we checked in and hang out since the program will start tomorrow....Room 404 A, quite horror...haha
A Fireman who plays trumpet  

A spooky can see "something" at the tree trunk

On 19 November, 11 am at Hammersmith House, Imperial College London 
The Program Began...

A speech from the Malaysia High Commissioner to UK, Dato Zakaria Sulong 

Da Vinci Code? 

Moving Malaysia Ahead: Can GTP/ETP Deliver?

Relation between One Malaysia, GTP, ETP and 10th Malaysia Plan 

There was a few group works or LDKs that we did and one of it was to represent a ministry to propose transformation plan for the ministry and to prepare a budget for the proposed plan

The last picture is Assoc. Prof. Dr Rosman Abdullah, Director of Education Malaysia in UK & Eire....I met him at the entrance after my presentation and he said to me that I presented a good presentation...haha dengan English terabur pun good? hehe

Its been a pleasure to meet with a lot of brilliant and potential students from various universities such from Oxford University, Manchester University, Manchester Metropolitan University, London School of Business & Finance (LSBF), Hull University, Plymouth University, Canterbury University and Teesside University.

Last but not least 

Terima Kasih AKEPT & MASDUKE for your invitation 
to this program


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