Hi UK, I'm Back

Thanks to The God, at last after 23 years, I'm back to a country named United Kingdom. My birthplace...Insyallah I will do my best here, for me it's really a long journey. If Sheikh Muzaphar waited for 25 Years to go to somewhere that he really wanna to go, alhamdulillah I have to wait shorter than him did. 

A picture can mean thousand of words kan....so let's picturing sini dan sana...ha3 =p 

Schipol Airport Magazine 
My Boarding Pass From Amsterdam to Newcastle International Airport 
 An Exchange Bureau in Schipol
 What a big lollipop =)
A Coffee Bar, In Euro Please...
Naseb baek tulis dalam BI...hehe
KLM, If Malaysia has MAS, then Netherland or Holland with its KLM
While waiting for our flight to Newcastle 
Just like other bin when we go to airport 


Unknown said…
acap pergi sana sambung study eh? all the best okay!
Anonymous said…
wish you the best of luck for the entire journey ;)

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