Way To Glo......ria macapagal arroyo...
Baru tadi lepas abeh Kuliah CRG, pasukan kami buat perjumpaan untuk tentukan strategi pasukan, sapa main mana, team’s colour, training and about friendly match…..
About strategi….hehe rahsia le mane leh gtaw. In term of posisi masing-masing pulak, aku bakal menggalas tugas selaku benteng terakhir pasukan, uish nampaknya banyak le gol bakal bolos ni tapi takpe Acap takpe, kita men enjoy enjoy jek.During training seemed that I quite confident and really hope that performance during the game will be the same or better.
About team’s colour, colour pasukan Red Devil ngan The Reds menjadi pilihan kami….hehe. Sepadan ler dengan warna raket skuash aku….hehe xde kaitan. Maybe I need to find a new shirt coz my red shirts that I have do not suitable for playing futsal.
While about training and friendly match, we are planning to do training on Tuesday, Thursday and the final one in Saturday. On Thursday night, we plan to have a friendly match with a team outside….huish Nampak cam serius jek preparation ni. Aku pun dah mula cuak ni, lagi-lagi men di posisi yang bukan je kene kuat fizikal tapi gak mental…..whatever it is I will do my best.
Okeh lar until now see u later…