As what the title is "exam on the way, presentation next week", i'm really pressured about it. In addition, after this raya holiday, there are so many events that i must attends whether at Faculty or at university. But that is what we called creation of a scheduled man...haha may be...insyallah. My conclusion is busier we are, our plan become better. Because of what? Not Because of You like a song from Kelly Clarkson... But because as a human being you are in learning process in wherever you are, at anytime, at any minute, at any second but the different is what degree is your learning process. Your learning process is different from one to another job you do. As an example, if you sleeping you still learning, you learn how to sleep well compared it with learning process at your class, the degree of absorbing the learning process is different, you absorb more at class compared to when you're sleeping Because..... When you learn a new things, your lea...