Ke Arah Blog Fakulti Yang Lebih Profesional....

Sekarang ni my mission is one nak wat blog fakulti yang nampak profesional. Tah lar pada aku blog tersebut bukan sahaja perlu nampak profesional (yang mana skarang ni simple sangat) tapi gak mesra pelajar dan memahami apa yang students nak. Aku tak leh decide solely on my choice or decision but I must ask them what is the best thing to make it a good blog which kalau boleh biarlah blog ni satu penerusan dan kesinambungan antara aku dan MPP Fakulti selepas aku. Bukan apa, KP ada blog sendiri untuk sampaikan info so this is the time when MPPs also need to have their own blog....I mean to spread info among students by internet. Not this blog,k....this blog is for my personal blog...huhu. 

Whatever it is I hope I can make up the blog before 7pm today coz after that I need to go RTM ...untuk Rancangan Suara best friend, Amir, MPP from Faculty Of Education will be the panel...insyallah. And esok I need to register at Kolej Anggerik for Program Iktiraf which will be hold from 18 to 20 of this month.


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